Learn 3 Lydian Guitar Scales To Use For Speed Practice To Give Your Solos An Extremely Unique Sound
Learning new guitar scales isn’t just about blazing through every note. You memorize them faster and learn how to use them more creatively in music by identifying the notes that give a scale its unique quality.
Here are 3 interesting guitar scales to use for speed practice and to help you become a more creative lead guitarist in the process:
Guitar Scale #1: Lydian
One of the coolest and most unique guitar scales is Lydian. It is the 4th mode of the major scale.
This guitar scale is almost exactly the same as major as well, except that the 4th note is raised a half step. This gives it a very “floaty” kind of sound that sounds really cool when used right.
Lydian sounds great when played over a major chord or major 7 chord:
![E Major 7 With Lydian OnGuitar](https://guitarspeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Image-1.png)
Bring out the full flavor of this unique guitar scale by emphasizing the raised 4th scale degree. One way to do this is by bending up from note four to match the pitch of note five. Then release the bend back down.
Guitar Scale #2: Lydian Augmented
Lydian Augmented has a very ambiguous and “out there” sound due to having its first 5 notes all separated by a whole step. It is played just like the Lydian pattern, except with the 5th scale degree raised a half step.
This guitar scale works well over a major7b13/major 7+ chord like so:
Spend time playing the first five notes of this scale to bring out its ambiguous nature. Then emphasize the half step between notes 5 and 6 or 7 and 1 as you did with Lydian.
Guitar Scale #3: Lydian Dominant
Lydian Dominant has a lowered 7 scale degree which separates it from the sound of the other Lydian variations.
Try playing this scale over a dominant7#11 chord:
Like with Lydian, emphasize the raised four scale degree. Then use techniques such as tremolo picking or a heavier pick attack to accent the lowered seventh degree and make this scale stand out from the others.
Now that you know these 3 unique scales, learn how to practice these guitar scales for speed, creativity and technique using the following approaches.
Practice each approach for several minutes with very short rest between each one:
- Quickly memorize these scales by practicing them one-after-the-other. Do this by playing the chord shown in the tabs above, followed by the scale. Then play the next chord/scale the same way.
- Practice the first two strings of each scale using the efficient picking technique shown in the video below.
- You more quickly memorize the correct muscle movement for efficient picking technique by practicing these scales only on the first two strings at first. As it becomes more natural, add more strings to the patterns.
After mastering this picking technique, playing guitar scales with speed becomes effortless!
Practice each scale 3-5 times in a row using only upstrokes.
This trains your picking technique even more and helps you memorize new scale patterns because you really have to focus on every note to play it clearly.
Improvise using only 8th note rhythms.
This approach forces you to think in the moment because you must continually move through the scale. This makes it easier to play guitar solos normally when you have finished.
Improvise using only tremolo picking.
This forces you to play each note with tons of repetitions, making it easier to memorize the patterns in less time. Using only tremolo picking also forces you to think more closely about the notes you choose in your phrases (so you don’t waste as many notes).
Freely improvise with each guitar scale by playing one phrase only before moving onto the next scale and starting a variation of that phrase.
Remember to emphasize the notes of each scale that make it unique as described in this article.
How to pick efficiently on guitar:
Using the practice ideas above for several days a week helps you quickly master these cool guitar scales so you are able to use them to give your solos a very unique sound.
Once you have these killer scales in your back pocket, you have tons of potential options for musical expression. However, playing guitar solos with speed and expression isn’t just about the notes you play – but HOW you play them.
Learn how to make your lead guitar playing sound amazing by learning to use phrasing technique to write great guitar solos.