How To Improve Guitar Speed Fast With 3 Must-Use Practice Approaches

Want to raise your guitar speed fast and play like you’ve never played before?

Of course you do!

However, you won’t achieve this using the same conventional practice approaches most players use.

For example: “Practice at slow speeds then work on getting faster slowly over time.”

Yep, we’ve all heard this one and tried it with limited success.

Fortunately, there are better ways to increase your speed (that don’t take as long either).

Here are three practice approaches that really do help you get faster guitar speed very quickly:

Approach #1: Fine Tune Your Guitar Playing Using Speed Burst Practice To Examine It For Mistakes

Not being able to learn from your mistakes keeps your speed from increasing for a long time. This is why you should practice in a way that helps you find and fix your mistakes as quickly as possible.

Here is one great way to do this:

Break any guitar lick down into sections of just a few notes. Then practice these sections at your top speed while listening for mistakes.

This achieves several big things for your playing:

*You train your brain to think at fast speeds

*You identify mistakes that only occur at fast speeds

*You learn how to quickly adjust to fix your mistakes

This video shows you how to practice with bursts of speed to quickly master any fast or difficult lick:

Apply this concept into your practice routine right away and integrate it with your other practice approaches.

You will start getting results, fast!

Approach #2: Practice Faster Than Your Max Speed And Don’t Worry About Mistakes

At first glance, this may sound ridiculous… but there is a method to the madness!

Simply put: you do not become a faster guitar player by never challenging yourself and playing at faster speeds than what you are used to.

Problem is, most guitar players shy away from this because they get frustrated by making mistakes while pushing themselves.

Good news: Mistakes are your tool for getting better!

As with approach #1, remember that training your brain to think at fast speeds helps normalize them for you.

Translation: you get used to playing guitar faster and it becomes easy over time.

Here is an example of how to practice above your max speed to push yourself to get faster:

1.   Use a metronome to find the max speed you can play a given practice item without making many mistakes

2.   Turn up the metronome by 15 beats per minute

3.   Attempt to play the practice item at the new tempo and don’t worry about mistakes being make

Using this approach for just a few minutes acts as both a means for helping you learn to mentally process notes at faster speeds and as a way to transition from one speed to another.

This is a great supplement for your practice that helps you break through speed plateaus in no time!

Approach #3: Set Specific Goals & Measure Your Progress

This practice approach is more of a way to organize your practice for maximum results than an exercise or lick.

But don’t let that fool you…

Setting specific goals for your guitar playing is a requirement for achieving them as fast as possible. Measuring your progress every week shows whether your practice is working or if you need to change something to get better results.

What is an example of a specific goal as it relates to speed?

It’s NOT “getting faster”.

Although this is what you want to do in general, there are much more specific goals you can have that help you achieve things you want in less time.

So, how exactly do you set a specific musical goal so you are able to stay motivated and become the guitarist you want to be in less time?

Take 3 minutes to find out by filling out this free guitar goals assessment form.