Get Faster Speed Picking Guitar Technique Using These 3 Powerful Tips

Want to speed pick so fast that your strings melt?

Having excellent speed picking technique gives you the power to add killer shred into anything you play…

…but most people don’t know how to practice to get it.

Plus, they make common mistakes that slow them down.

Today, you’re going to learn how to make your speed picking faster and more precise than ever before by implementing 3 powerful tips into your playing.

What are these tips?

Let’s get into it right now:

Speed Picking Tip #1: Make Your Picking Motion As Efficient As Possible

So many guitarists think that picking faster = moving your hand faster to play the string. Unfortunately, this is what creates tons of frustration for them as they reach a plateau in their playing and struggle to get anywhere.

Why is this?

Picking speed is based on efficient movement, not faster movement.

It’s all about picking the string while using as little movement as needed to strike the string more instances in the same (or less) time.

This video explains more:

Practice this by:

Observing your picking hand as you pick to see how efficiently you’re moving. This can be done while simply picking an open string.


Speed Picking Tip #2: Train For Consistency & Endurance

Don’t fall into the common trap of learning how to speed pick, but not training yourself to be able to speed pick with consistency.

What does this mean?

It means you have the power to speed pick for10, 15 or 20 seconds without losing your timing versus only being able to speed pick for a second or two before everything falls apart.

Most guitarists are only able to speed pick perfectly for a few seconds.

Here is how to practice to get insane speed picking that you can hold for a long time:

1.   Practice speed picking a single note to keep the speed picking going for 10 seconds without faltering. As you do this, pay close attention to any building tension in your arms/body.

2.   After the first try, focus on minimizing any tension in your body for the next try. Then repeat the first step.

3.   Assess yourself here by seeing how many times out of 10 you are able to pick perfectly the entire time.

4.   Tomorrow, repeat this exercise and see if you have improved your consistency.

5.   When you are able to do this perfectly 10/10 times, add more time to improve your consistency.

Bonus Tip: Use this quick bursts of speed practice method to practice your speed picking:

Speed Picking Tip #3: Pick Notes Using More Power In Your Attack

Picking the strings too lightly results in notes that are less clear and sloppy mistakes that remain hidden (because you pick too lightly to hear them).

Make it a habit to pick with tons of power like shown in this video:

This simple solution makes playing guitar faster much easier.


It forces you to keep both hands in sync in order to play the notes clearly.

Over time, picking with more power naturally lines up your hands in sync without even realizing you were “practicing” to do this.

Your guitar playing will also sound more clear than ever!

Want to learn more ways to play guitar with insane speed and accuracy? Check out this free guitar soloing advice.